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This is What Teff Looks Like…Gluten Free

Teff are tiny grains with a rich brown colour. Some say it has a sweet light flavour. It does. When added to recipes, the whole grain adds a crunchy seedy texture. Which can be fun or off putting to some. When cooked like porridge, it has the texture of a slightly course cream of wheat. Even though the taste is somewhat neutral, the texture somehow lends to an acquired taste. As you can see by the picture, I doctored it with fresh berries, some lovely organic sides: yoghurt, walnuts, and maple syrup. While eating, I wished I could just eat those accompaniments as is, without Teff.

So why am I posting this article? Teff is harvested in November. It has been given such rave reviews by the medical community, dieticians and nutritionists. It is gluten free. My opinion is that it is best utilized in a Teff flour form. The Ethiopians use Teff flour to make injera, the region’s traditional spongy flatbread used to scoop up their many stew like dishes. I really enjoy injera bread. It’s fermented and that is what gives it a sour flavour note.

Here are Teff’s health properties as outlined by the Whole Grain Council:

“Teff leads all the grains – by a wide margin – in its calcium content, with a cup of cooked teff offering 123 mg, about the same amount of calcium as in a half-cup of cooked spinach.

It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient not commonly found in grains.

Teff was long believed to be high in iron, but more recent tests have shown that its iron content comes from soil mixed with the grain after it’s been threshed on the ground – the grain itself is not unusually high in iron.

Teff is, however, high in resistant starch, a newly-discovered type of dietary fiber that can benefit blood-sugar management, weight control, and colon health. It’s estimated that 20-40% of the carbohydrates in teff are resistant starches.

A gluten-free grain with a mild flavor, teff is a healthy and versatile ingredient for many gluten-free products.

Since teff’s bran and germ make up a large percentage of the tiny grain, and it’s too small to process, teff is always eaten in its whole form. It’s been estimated that Ethiopians get about two-thirds of their dietary protein from teff. Many of Ethiopia’s famed long-distance runners attribute their energy and health to teff.

For a complete survey of the nutritional and health aspects of teff, click here.”

To Cook Teff Porridge

Simply simmer 1 part Teff to 3 parts water for about 12 to 20 minutes, depending on the quantity or desired thickness.

¼ cup uncooked Teff is a serving.

Use Teff in the flour form to make your favourite recipes gluten free. And that’s all I have to say about Teff.


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