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Person holding cleaning supplies

Hard to find good people to clean your home? 

We connect you with quality, honest cleaning people who care about their work.

Our people feel like part of your family. They take pride in their cleaning skills to your satisfaction!


Trustworthy individuals for you to feel safe and comfortable entering your home.


How do you feel when your cleaning person, who you have come to love, hangs up their 'ol apron to retire or change careers? You are left in a bind to find another capable, reliable, and trustworthy person to fill their shoes. Huge void.


How about when you just don't have the time to clean for an important event? Or perhaps your busy lifestyle is overwhelming? You scramble surfing or asking around to find someone to take on the dreaded cleaning job. Your best buddies are guarding their own cleaning person with their life. All this to no avail.


We have 40 years business experience in business to business, human resources, career and life mentoring, as a chef instructor, and working with food service professional for food safety. We understand the science behind dirt and bacteria growth👩‍🎓. 


Our experience has found us scouting and hiring numerous cleaning personnel. It goes without saying, we are more skilled than most other cleaning services to source motivated and caring people to clean homes and commercial spaces.


These complaints sound familiar?


"My person just wiped over a spot and left the rest dirty",

"My floors were cleaned in the middle but not around the room",

"There was dust left all over the blinds and the television" 

"My bathtub still felt dirty"

"They forgot the bathtub walls"


No worries we are here for you!


Sharon K Elston cleaning service started when I was in such a state. My person went back home to Belarus. None of my friends knew anybody to take on the job. One even laughed when I asked her..."good luck to that one", she said. Then it occurred to me to contact some of my ESL clients to see if they knew anyone. The first person I called had a sister who was assisting cleaning homes. She offered to clean mine. She cleaned my home impeccably. I was so happy! The rest is history as they say 😂.


After some discussion, I wanted to do something to help find her clients. So I posted on one of my social media groups.


"If you are interested in her services, let us know. I am a tough customer, so my recommendation means something. If interested, DM me for details."


The demand was so overwhelming, I reached out to other business contacts who may have associates who might love and want to clean homes. 


This is the first commendation, among many, on my client's sister:


"Sharon helped me find a cleaner to help prepare my house for a holiday. The woman who came showed  up on time, and immediately got to work. She knew how to properly clean my house, moving all objects to dust, cleaned my windows, and disinfected my bathrooms and kitchen with appropriate cleaners for each surface. She even took the initiative to clean my oven. If Sharon recommends a person to you, definitely take her up. Thank you Sharon!"

- Hailey B.

Bathurst Manor


Today, we hope to revolutionize the search for quality cleaning people. We hope you think of us as your friends, sharing the best motivated cleaning people in your neighbourhood. The rest is history. 🤗

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Toronto Food Safety Training is a registered provider (TrainCan, Inc.) of food  handler certificates. Aussi, Smart Serve Ontario.
Le gouvernement a approuvé la formation en restauration | programmes d'accueil | épiceries de détail depuis 2007.
Notre passion est de partager des informations vitales pour vous protéger, vous et vos clients , contre les risques pouvant entraîner des maladies d'origine alimentaire.


Formation sur la salubrité des aliments au niveau des employés



Formation en sécurité alimentaire au niveau de la direction



Statut de formateur. Nécessite 90 % des certifications ADVANCED.fst et TRAIN-THE-TRAINER.


Yonge et Eglinton​

Toronto, Ontario

(416) 488-1790

© 2017-2022 Formation sur la salubrité des aliments à Toronto | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | (416) 488-1790

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