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Confident Female Teacher

Without literacy, it's nearly impossible to succeed in school, find and keep a job, or advocate for your family. The English Literary Society believes everyone should have the literacy skills they need to fully contribute to their community.  We provide a safe fun educational environment to learn English while sharing and connecting with each other.

Levels of English Proficiency




  • Often a new arrival with little previous English training 

  • Has a very limited vocabulary.

  • Has nothing on which to base his ability to function, comprehend, and respond.  

  • No knowledge of English beyond answers to simple questions like “What’s your name?” He/she may respond with “yes” or “no,” 

  • May not be able to write in Western script. 

  • Lacks sufficient vocabulary and oral comprehension to be able to follow directions or do simple classroom assignments. 

  • Have no knowledge of the North American classroom and its participatory style. 

  • Not able to work at entry elementary grade level




  • Understands some classroom directions and attempts to do simple assignments but with great hesitancy and misunderstanding. 

  • Vocabulary is still greatly limited to commonly used words. 

  • Reads and writes with great difficulty, usually below the assigned grade level. 

  • May be unable to respond to some activities, which involve independent decision making, due to differences in the North American classroom or teacher style. 

  • Responds very positively to extra attention from the instructor or other students.




  • Participates in most classroom activities and follows directions adequately, though with frequent misunderstandings.  

  • Vocabulary is limited but rapidly improving.  

  • May feel comfortable enough in the classroom to respond orally, despite frequent errors and incorrect word selection. 

  • May be able to do academic work with frequent writing and vocabulary help

  • Exhibit growing confidence in ability to comprehend and respond in English




  • Able to participate and excel in all classroom and social activities, 

  • Requires less frequent teacher intervention with vocabulary and directional assistance. 

  • Able to read at with the help of a dictionary

  • Writing skills may require more teacher support. 

Registration Information
What is your English Proficiency Level
English skills you need the most help?
What time works best with your schedule?
Choose two of the best days for you to attend. Write them both in the comments section below.

You will be contacted with further information


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Toronto Food Safety Training is a registered provider (TrainCan, Inc.) of food handler certificates. 

Government approved to train foodservice | hospitality programs | retail grocery establishments since 2007.

Our passion is sharing vital information to keep you and your customers safe from hazards that lead to foodborne illness.


Employee level food safety training



Management level food safety training



Trainer status. Requires 90% in ADVANCED.fst and TRAIN-THE-TRAINER certification.


Yonge and Eglinton​

Toronto, Ontario

(416) 488-1790

© 2024 Toronto Food Safety Training | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | (416) 488-1790

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